Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It 图1 1 dog class, Classroom, dog training

What is it?

Scent training is also known as nose working training. It is a fun activity that you can do with your dogs to help develop their sense of smell and improve their obedience skills. In scent training, your dog will learn to detect distinct smells and alert you when they’ve found them.

How to Do It?

Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It 图2 1 dog class, Classroom, dog training

Here’s what you need to know to get started:

1.Choose a scent

Start by choosing a scent that your dog will be able to recognize, such as a particular essential oil or a toy with a distinct odor.

2.Introduce the scent

Start by letting your dog sniff the object with the scent and giving them a treat as a reward.

3.Hide the scent

Once your dog is familiar with the scent, hide the object in an easy-to-find location and encourage your dog to search for it. If you choose not to leave treats near the scent vessels, make sure that you’re prepared to reward your dog once they find the scent.

Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It 图3 1 dog class, Classroom, dog training

4.Increase the difficulty

As your dog becomes more proficient at finding the object, you can increase the difficulty by hiding it in harder-to-find locations.

5.Practice regularly

Make scent training a regular part of your dog’s routine to continue building their sense of smell and obedience skills.

Scent Training for Dogs: What it Is and How to Do It 图4 1 dog class, Classroom, dog training

Remember to always be patient and positive with your dog during scent training, and make sure to reward them for their progress and success. With practice, your dog will become a master scent detective!