How to Teach a Dog to Roll Over P6 1 Classroom, dog class, dog training

Teaching your canine friends how to perform the rollover trick is an excellent method for stimulating their cognitive abilities and strengthening your relationship with them. Regardless of whether you are caring for a youthful pup or an aging dog, rollover is a fantastic maneuver that can be mastered by dogs of all stages in life.

You don’t need to possess professional dog training skills to teach your dog how to perform the roll over trick. Before teaching this fun canine maneuver, it’s important that your dog has already learned the basic commands of sitting and laying down. 

How to Teach a Dog to Roll Over P2 1 Classroom, dog class, dog training
How to Teach a Dog to Roll Over P3 1 Classroom, dog class, dog training

Before starting, gather some treats and your clicker (if you are using clicker training) to assist in teaching your canine companion. In order to maintain a calm atmosphere and have the ability to continue training, select a soft and comfortable location for practicing the maneuver.

How to Teach a Dog to Roll Over P4 1 Classroom, dog class, dog training

Here’s how to teach your dog to roll over

1.Achieve a kneeling position and have your dog assume a “down” position directly in front of you. Present a treat close to their nose, with your palm facing upwards.

2.Arc your arm over their head and roll your hand over, so your palm is facing downwards, to guide your dog’s nose towards their shoulder

3.When you lure your dogs with the treat, their nose will lead them off-balance and cause them to tumble onto their side. At this moment, give them the treat and shower them with praise.

4.Perform the action again and introduce another step: move your hand continuously, forcing your dogs to roll onto their opposite side. Once they complete the roll, reward them with a treat.

5.A bit more practice to enhance their newly acquired skills is necessary before attempting to teach them to roll over in a single smooth motion. Once they’ve mastered it, issue the verbal cue “Roll over!”

6.After sufficient repetition and positive reinforcement, your furry friend will eventually execute the rollover command on cue.

How to Teach a Dog to Roll Over P1 1 Classroom, dog class, dog training