How to Stop a Dog From Chewing Your Stuff p2 5 dog class, dog training

While it’s natural for dogs to chew, you probably don’t want your new boots to fall victim to the hobby of your furry friend. If you’re at a loss for how to stop your dog’s destructive chewing, you’ve come to the right place.

There are main reasons why dogs chew:

Stress & Anxiety

Our pets are inherently social animals and many suffer from separation anxiety when left alone. Dogs who are anxious or stressed may resort to chewing as a means of self-soothing.


If your dog is left alone for long periods without mental stimulation, they may become bored and start chewing on any interesting objects they find around your home as a way to pass the time.

Puppy Teething

Just like human infants, puppies also experience an uncomfortable period of teething. During this time, they are prone to chewing frequently to alleviate their pain and discomfort.


Dogs on diets that restrict their calorie intake may start to chew on objects in search of additional sources of nutrition. This behavior is typically directed towards items associated with food or that have a food-like odor, such as plastic bowls.

How do I stop my dog from chewing my stuff?

While chewing is a natural behavior for puppies, it doesn’t mean you have to put up with your belongings being destroyed. Here are some tips on how to stop chewing and protect your possessions.


Ensuring that your dog gets enough exercise every day is crucial for a happy and satisfied pet. One of the most effective ways to prevent destructive chewing is to make sure your furry friend gets plenty of exercise before you leave home.

How to Stop a Dog From Chewing Your Stuff p1 4 dog class, dog training

2. Entertainment

To alleviate separation anxiety or boredom in dogs that are left alone for extended periods, try teaching your dog to associate being alone with positive experiences. When you leave, give them a food-filled puzzle toy and a variety of fun, special toys that they only get to play with when you’re not home (to keep them novel).

3. Dog Proof

Eliminating other temptations can help ensure that your dog only chews on designated objects. Keep valuable items out of reach, store laundry in a closed hamper or put it away, and make sure books and children’s toys are stored where your dog can’t get to them.

4. Discourage Unwanted Chewing

If you catch your dog chewing on something they shouldn’t be, say “no”, take the item away, and give them a chew toy instead. Be sure to praise your dog when they chew on the toy.