What can you do if your cat doesn’t cover her waste? If you discover unattended feces in the litter box, it can be annoying (and somewhat unpleasant). Just keep in mind that your cat is not acting meanly. She may not be concealing her waste due to anxiety, rivalry with other cats, health problems, or other factors. By experimenting with various types of litter and litter boxes, using calming products, and reducing her stress levels, you can get your cat to conceal her excrement.

1. Teach Your Cat to Bury

It’s possible that your cat has never learned from mommy kitty if she has never buried her waste. Sit next to her as she uses the restroom, and when she’s through, use her paws to gently cover the waste. When she does cover it, reward her with snacks. Additionally, clicker training can be used to “capture” the appropriate actions and gradually nudge her in the right direction.

2. Add More Litter Boxes in Different Locations

If your cat isn’t covering his poop, it could be that the litter box is in an unfavorable spot. Alternately, perhaps you don’t have enough boxes. A minimum of one litter box should be available for each cat as a general rule.

Place the litter boxes in various places. Make sure some aren’t near noisy appliances like washing machines or busy areas with lots of people. A cat that becomes preoccupied by sounds may fail to hide his excrement.

3. Reduce Stress

Cats may occasionally leave their excrement exposed due to stress. In the wild, cats may cover their excrement to mask their scent and prevent predators from detecting them. Therefore, a cat that isn’t trying to cover his excrement may be competing with another cat and trying to assert his dominance. Other stressors, such as other cats running loose outside the house, could make her feel uneasy. Your cat could become anxious as a result of moving or even having guests over.

It can be helpful to install cat trees so that your cats aren’t huddled on the floor together. Playing with your cat to release some of that tension can also be beneficial.

4. Test Different Kinds and Levels of Litter

Because the litter hurts his paws or because he doesn’t enjoy the smell or feel, a cat can not cover his waste. Try several kinds of litter, such as pine, shavings, and granules. Try using litter that is odor-free as well.

Granules of litter may become entangled in the long hair of long-haired cats’ paws. Consider using “crystal” litter made for long-haired cats. Check for mats on the bottoms of long-haired cats as well.

You may also experiment with varying levels of litter and more regular cleaning. If the litter is either too shallow or too deep, some cats won’t cover their poop. If it’s too dirty, some people won’t cover it.

5. Give a Low-Sided or Larger Box a Try

Use a box with low sides. Pain may be experienced when certain older cats or cats with hip dysplasia attempt to enter the litter box. They can feel the need to exit the box quickly as a result, or they might begin pooping outside the container. Your cat might grow accustomed to the litter box over time if you use a low-sided box (or chop out one of the sides).

Also helpful could be a bigger box. Your cat might not feel secure going about and concealing his waste if the box is too tiny. The amount of space your cat has to move around in a covered box is frequently limited. However, try out various varieties because some cats prefer to be in covered boxes.

6. Talk to a Veterinarian

In the event that your cat exhibits a sudden change in behavior, it is always a good idea to consult your veterinarian. If she’s been hiding her poop and then stops, she might be experiencing a fresh health problem. Get her checked out to make sure everything is fine.

Keep in mind that if a cat is not hiding his waste, he is not attempting to be nasty or express his anger at you. Usually, a cat won’t cover his waste due to stress, discomfort, or litter box issues. So be kind with your furry friend and test out a few of these ideas to see if they work.