Developing a Routine with Your Dog T1 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Why is routine so important for dogs?

Routine is important for dogs because it provides them with stability and structure, which can help reduce anxiety and stress. Dogs thrive on predictability and knowing what to expect, and a consistent routine can provide them with a sense of security and comfort. Having a routine can also help ensure that dogs receive proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and training, which are essential for their overall health and well-being. Additionally, a routine can help strengthen the bond between dogs and their owners, as it provides opportunities for regular interaction and engagement.

How to create a routine for your dog?


Establish a consistent feeding schedule for your dog. Depending on their age and activity level, they may need to be fed two or three times per day.

Developing a Routine with Your Dog T2 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness


Make sure your dog gets enough exercise each day. This can include walks, runs, and playtime in the yard or park.

Developing a Routine with Your Dog T3 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness


Keeping up training activities can help keep your dog mentally active and give them a task to engage with to earn the treats and praise they love positively. Incorporate training into your daily routine to help your dog learn obedience and new skills. This can be as simple as practicing basic commands like sit and stay.

Developing a Routine with Your Dog T4 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness


Dogs need rest and downtime too. Create a comfortable sleeping area for your dog and make sure they have enough quiet time throughout the day.

Developing a Routine with Your Dog T5 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness


Dogs love to play, so include some playtime in your daily routine. This can be playing fetch, tug-of-war, or other interactive games.

Developing a Routine with Your Dog T6 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Remember that dogs are individuals and may have different needs. Observe your dog’s behavior and adjust your routine as needed to ensure they are happy and healthy.