Creating Routines to Help with Pet Anxiety P1 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Pets need routines just as much as humans do for a sense of calm and safety. Changes (travel, moving, new relationships, or family members coming into the home) are a part of life. When change happens, pets often feel anxious or scared. In this blog, you can learn how to create routines to help with pet anxiety.

Creating Routines to Help with Pet Anxiety P2 1 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

When you first bring home a new dog, creating a routine can help them settle in during their adjustment period. They’ll learn that they have access to water and consistent meals, regular exercise, mental enrichment, and that they have a safe place to be in their new home.

Creating Routines to Help with Pet Anxiety P3 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Routine is also key to potty training success. You want to give them consistent outdoor potty opportunities, especially right after they wake up and after eating meals. You’ll be able to anticipate when they’ll most likely need to eliminate if they’re on a regular feeding schedule, which helps you prevent indoor potty accidents.

Creating Routines to Help with Pet Anxiety P4 1 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

As your dog gets more comfortable in their new home, it’s useful to mix up their routine every so often to prevent separation anxiety, and lessens both your and your dog’s stress in case you can’t make it home in time for a regular feeding or walk.

Creating Routines to Help with Pet Anxiety P5 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

With time your dog will feel safe and secure with a structured day, and won’t get anxious if their schedule is a bit different day-to-day.