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Why Do Cats Roll in Dirt? roll封面 Classroom

Why Do Cats Roll in Dirt?

Cats roll in the dirt as a form of dust bathing. When cats lick outdoor dirt off their fur, they deposit healthy bacteria into their system to help with digestion. By rolling in litter, indoor cats can replicate this feeling, depositing the dusty litter on their coat before licking...

Can Cats See in the Dark dark封面 Classroom

Can Cats See in the Dark

If you are a cat owner you may have had the wonderful experience of waking up in the middle of the night to hear your kitty destroying the throw rugs or hissing loudly at some mystical being outside the window (or at your home’s friendly ghost). These adorable, albeit...

Do Cats Sweat? sweat封面1 Classroom

Do Cats Sweat?

For humans, the body regulates its temperature by sweating, which is vital for survival in the heat. Is this also true for cats? This bodily function may be slightly different in cats than in humans, but cats definitely sweat. How do Cats Sweat? Unlike humans, who have sweat glands all over...
