Cats are instinctual creatures, and occasionally they exhibit nervousness and jitteriness. When you approach, these cats may hide and crouch, or they may hide their anxiety by flashing their claws and hissing. Your first reaction upon seeing this will be to take whatever steps are necessary to restore your cat’s sense of security. The good news is that there are many things you can do to assist calm and soothe your anxious cat, regardless of what’s causing it.

Why Is Your Cat Jumpy and Nervous?

Some cats are able to rapidly recover from stressful situations and resume their calm, upbeat selves. Some cats, however, may continue to have problems, and it may take some time for them to rebuild their confidence.

Symptoms of a stressed-out cat include being easily frightened, hiding for no discernible reason, acting extra cautious and on guard, losing interest in playing, or exhibiting other undesirable behaviors. Your cat can be anxious if you’re introducing him to a new house or surroundings. When exposed to a “trigger,” a cat may overreact. For example, a cat hearing thunder may scratch destructively to escape.

Some cats only require a minor trigger to startle them. While wearing a harness outside, a friendly cat might hiss and scratch until he settles down if frightened. A stressed cat may meow excessively, scratch, or even spray to communicate his anxiety after moving into a new home or getting a new pet. Use these strategies to help him calm down, regardless of how big or tiny the trigger is.

Slow Movements Can Calm a Nervous Cat

A cat that is anxious will interpret your behavior. She will feel much more stressed if you appear anxious. Being relaxed and assured around your cat should be a priority. When she’s misbehaving or running away, move slowly and speak firmly yet subtly. If you can capture her gaze, blink slowly at her. This conveys to her in her language that you feel secure and that she should as well.

Don’t compel her to come out of hiding. Instead, take a seat quietly close by and wait for her to come over. Be cautious while attempting to lure her with treats and avoid becoming overly aggressive. When she eventually emerges from hiding, reach out your hand to her but resist the need to pet her. She can sniff your hand as she gets closer. She will allow you to gently pet her on the head if she brushes your palm against her head.

If she’s stressed and hissing, take the same tactics. Just maintain your composure and move slowly, blinking frequently, and let her approach you at her own pace.

Provide a Safe Space

Every cat wants his own own haven of safety. Particularly true for anxious kitties. Provide him a place away from the household’s noise and activity. It can be a cozy cat bed placed high on a shelf, a closet, a cat tree, or condo for cats who are just a little bit wary.

Another option is to try a room away from the rest of the house. Expose him to other pets gradually by starting with a closed door and moving up to supervised visits.

For cats who are particularly afraid of people, this protected, private area is crucial. A cat that is afraid may develop stronger bonds with other cats and require less human comfort. Before he develops a bond with you, these cats may benefit from spending a few weeks in a secure area apart from other house cats. Keep a cozy cat bed, food, drink, and litter in the room, along with a shirt that smells like you. Choose a space with windows so your cat may observe the outside world while you are away. Start with quick visits a few times a day and gradually lengthen your time together as his comfort level rises.

Exercise Can Help

To rule out any health issues, take your cat to the vet if its behavior or attitude changes suddenly. See your veterinarian about further methods to help soothe your cat after receiving a clean bill of health. More play and exercise are sometimes helpful.

Scratching and climbing to high places are two simple ways that your cat can relieve a lot of stress. So, placing cat trees and scratching posts around your home may be beneficial. Exercise can calm your cat down in the same way that it can calm people. Toss some cat food down the corridor, encouraging it to chase each bite as it falls. Or, acquire a feather wand and lure your cat from hiding so you can play a great game of chase. Just keep in mind that your cat can take some time to get acquainted to toys if she isn’t used to them.

Using mental exercises to divert your cat can also help her gain confidence. Offer her interactive toys that she must solve in order to access the treats. Alternately, begin clicker training and show her some tricks. These kinds of pursuits might greatly lessen stress and increase self-assurance.

Coziwow Products Can Help

Coziwow products focus on your cat’s e-meow-tional health, not just his physical health, which is vital when helping a nervous, scared cat.

If you have more than one cat, use the Coziwow Cats Scratching Pads.

You may choose to give your cat a Coziwow 2-in-1 cat tunnel instead, so she could wander through it for her own amusement. Last but not least, use the Coziwow cat trees on areas the cat is attracted to, like that coffee table he keeps scratching, that he may take his stress out on.

A stressed-out cat occasionally requires assistance to achieve this condition of tranquility. You can encourage your timid little furball to come out of his shell by giving him a secure environment, as well as lots of love and patience.