Ways to Tell Your Dog's Nails Are Too Long nail1 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Dog nail care is important because it keeps your pet walking, running, and moving around comfortably. Therefore, it is important to keep your dog’s claws well trimmed at the correct length.

Why You Don’t Want to Let Your Dog’s Nails Get Too Long

Long nails may lead to nail bed issues, bleeding nails, pain… In general, nails that are too long can limit your dog’s movements.

Some Signs That Indicate Your Dog’s Nails Are Overgrown

Ways to Tell Your Dog's Nails Are Too Long nail2 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Your dog’s nails are scratching you. If you are being scratched each time your dog touches you, its nails are too long. Usually, if you trim your pup’s nails, they aren’t sharp enough to scratch you.

Your dog’s nails clicking on the floor. If your dog’s nails are too long, you will hear them clack when the dog walks on hard surfaces.

Your dog may start to walk in an irregular way. It looks as though your dog is tiptoeing when walking and no longer walking on his paw pads properly.

Your dog’s nails touch the ground. Get down low on the ground and look to see whether your dog’s nails touch the ground. If they do, they are too long and should be trimmed.

Your dog’s nails start to bleed. If the nails have grown too long and started to curl under, they can cut into the skin on your dog’s paw, which will cause bleeding.

Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Ways to Tell Your Dog's Nails Are Too Long nail3 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness
Ways to Tell Your Dog's Nails Are Too Long nail4 Classroom, dog class, dog wellness

Get your dog’s nails trimmed more frequently, by yourself or a professional. Nail trimming is a relatively easy way to avoid injury to your pet. We recommend at least once a month.